viernes, febrero 22, 2008

En otros blogs: Sin marcha atras

En respuesta al blog de Jaime Pozuelo-Monfort, "Sin marcha atrás", dentro de la sección Corporate Responsability del Instituto de Empresa

Ayer estuve en la charla de Arthur Dahl y Augusto Lopez Claros, "A Sustainable Perspective" (muy muy buena!). Se habló de la situación actual en todas sus facetas y dimensiones, se habló de los retos y lo que se requiere a nivel empresarial, económico, político, institucional, pero sobre todo... a nivel personal, el cambio que cada uno de nosotros debemos primero hacer, para desde ahi generar los cambios a gran escala necesarios.

También señalaban que Europa era un buen modelo a seguir de cara a los enormes retos que debemos encontrar para transicionar a nivel global, del actual estilo de pensamiento, vida, socio-económito y político a uno que realmente permita una sostenibilidad holística y duradera.

Así que concuerdo que Europa debe asumir un rol de liderar, concuerdo en que no debemos olvidarnos de ese EEUU que no es reflejo de Bush-Cheney, el claro ejemplo es lo que representa Barack Obama y el tipo de liderazgo que puede traer nuevamente al país que aún ejerce mayor infuencia mundial, con todo lo que representa.

Porque esta faltando una coalición de nuevos líderes, con la capacidad de poner en marcha proyectos concretos, cambios legislativos, influenciar y movilizar suficiente gente, comunidades, países para lograr esa masa crítica de nueva conciencia y nuevas habilidades indispensables para que los cambios surgan desde las bases, inspirados y motivados; desde las esferas políticas y empresariales con responsables y conciencia, para que se encuentren en el punto medio y de ahi pueda expanderse.

Desde mi sillón, en mi despacho de casa/oficina te agradezco tu promesa, compromiso e ilusión y me uno a ti! Yo también prometo trabajar por cambiar el mundo, la humanidad...cada quien con sus capacidades, habilidades y personalidad, desde distintos y lejanos rincones, encontrándonos primero virtualmente vía Internet, blogs, emails, pero mas importante, empezando siempre por uno mismo, luego desde nuestras esferas de acción e influencia, haciendo crecer nuestro radio de alcance hasta que se traslapen y se sumen.

Ojalá muy pronto... hace falta.

Un fuerte abrazo Jaime


lunes, febrero 18, 2008

An “independent” Obama?

With so much fuss going on recently about how it is mathematically almost impossible for either of the Democratic candidates, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, to reach the “magical number” of delegates in order to become the party’s nominee, the decision-breaker is shifting to the “super delegates”, raising a scenario in which the Democratic nominee could end up being one that is not backed by the majority of the voters.

Currently, Monday, 18 February 2008, Barack Obama has an overall lead in delegates, especially in the “pledged delegates” who are a result of the “popular” vote, while Hillary Clinton leads on the super delegates (influential party members). A couple of special considerations to complicate even more the situation: Florida and Michigan’s delegates are currently not being taken into account due to the party’s rules, and that could spark even more debate in this election process.

All of this is shaping a picture which, if it continues, could result in a divided, fractured and deteriorated Democratic Party, opening the general election to an independent like NY Mayor Bloomberg or the Republican’s nominee, John McCain.

Barack Obama has been gathering such momentum, as described by not only his campaign or the political pundits, but even by the Clinton's campaign, that it’s increasingly hard to compete against a “movement” versus a candidate, which seems to be more and more the case for Obama.

This brings me to the title: in a supposed scenario under which Hillary would win the Democratic nomination based on a majority of super delegates, and Obama would be left out but with support by a “majority of the bases”, would it make sense to take the current momentum and vast national support for Obama, and continue the road to the presidential candidacy as an independent candidate?

In my personal view: Yes.

First, because on a personal note, I truly believe there is a desperate need for profound change, plus I share his views. Second, it would seem reasonable, taking into account the massive grass roots movement that supports him and the incredible amount of financing his campaign receives from ordinary people, especially through the Internet. Third, in these past elections he has proven to draw not only democrats, but independents and even a few republicans, poising to be a true unifier that goes beyond parties. Forth, it also seems there is enough support from the international community, as several countries (or country leaders) have openly stated that an Obama President would be beneficial to the US and its foreign relations, especially in the Middle East and Africa.

But, there are also other things to take into consideration account: by competing against the Democratic Party and it’s its candidate (Hillary), it would divide the electorates and give an edge to the Republican’s candidate (McCain), which could play against Obama. If he won, there would still play out 2 very different scenarios in the White House,: one of a true unifier, where he could be a president for the United States and not “blue states” or “red states”, (omit comma) by not having ties to a particular party. On the other hand, it could result in neither party supporting the president: the Republicans unifying behind their party, their ideals, vision and agenda, and a hurt and “betrayed” Democratic party not playing along friendly. The true losers obviously would be the people having a stifled government, more divided than before.

Back to today, where “hope” is still on everybody’s lips, hearts and mind.

So, instead of an independent Obama, let’s bring back the focus and hope for a unified Obama! I, for one, hope that Barack Obama wins the Democratic candidacy through a clear margin, backed by voters, pledged delegates and super delegates, to build on that momentum and take him all the way to the next presidency of the United States of America, by bringing democrats, independents and yes, hopefully a lot of republicans together to truly start working on the transcendent issues, not only surrounding the US, but also the rest of the world, stepping undeniably into an influential role that deeply heals and rebuilds all that has been polluted, damaged, waged, ignored.

Rebalancing where we put value, our values, I speak, not as a US citizen since I am a Mexican living in Spain, but as global citizen.

With hope,
Gibran Armijo

viernes, febrero 15, 2008

En otros blogs: In Love

En respuesta al blog de Jaime Pozuelo-Monfort, "In Love", dentro de la sección Corporate Responsability del Instituto de Empresa


Muy apropiado el titulo dada la cercanía con este 14 de Febrero, pero sobre todo, muy apropiado el enfoque, el descubrir (o re-decubrir?) esa pasión por todo lo bueno de lo que es capaz el ser humano, por toda la belleza que surge desde nustro interior y de toda la belleza que nos rodea en este planeta.

Precisamente este miércoles acabo de tomar un audio-cast, un mensaje de año nuevo de mi camino espiritual (si, si, un poco retrasado, pero valio la pena) que tambien me dejó con una renovada claridad y enfoque en este camino de elevar la conciencia colectiva... fué como subirle al termostato de mi radiador interior, literalmente sentir como emanaba un calor desde el centro de mi pecho y se expandía.

No recuerdo si ya te lo habia recomendado, si no, ahi te va, y si SI, pues vale la pena repetir! ;-D el libro Einstinen's Business, voy a la mitad aprox. y es una colaboración de muchos autores, líderes políticos, sociólogos, empresarios, etc. todos aportando su visión y experiencia sobre los cambios que se pueden lograr desde el sector privado (empresarial/emprendedor) y los cambios requeridos hacia adentro de ese mismo sector, como sector y en forma individual, esa conciencia social, esa fibra moral que aporta una espiritualidad, vivida y entendida como cada quien quiera, pero ahi... presente.

Hasta la siguiente... y bienvenido al mundo de los enamorados y a los queresonamos con lo que transmite Barack Obama desde su plataforma política.


martes, febrero 12, 2008

Meditation and Co-development

This goes to everyone that reads Kosmos Journal but especially to those who don’t, because if you are reading this you’ve already been drawn here by intuition, knowledge, a concern and awareness, a shared commitment, responsibility and sense of urgency to change the situation and course of humanity, you are already looking for others like you and me.

For all those that aren’t reading, those members of our extended families that are not at this point, caught-up in this snow-ball effect wrongfully called modern life or civilization, either by ignorance, apathy or intention… we need to build bridges and paths that help them take the next step and accompany us in this journey.

First we need to feel! Stop thinking for just a moment, let the intellect take a break, let it pause and take a deep breath… the heart needs to be listened to! Heart first, intellect second and action third. Add experience and you have wisdom, 360º because it’s going back to the essence but with everything we’ve learned along the way.

Despite my deepest admiration and empathy for arising political leaders like Barack Obama, I differ in one thing: when referring to the road ahead for change, it’s not about “fighting”. It’s time to find other ways to convey this message without using words that imply aggressiveness: meditation and co-development.

As we move forward in our urgent process of uplifting the collective consciousness, new ideas and models are needed to harness the experience, power and love of many, not through a leader (in singular), but in a broad and profound collaboration, locally and at a global scale, in order to effectively bring about the massive changes needed.

Barriers need to be lifted, hierarchies need to be flattened, and egos need not apply. Bring traditional “top-down” approaches that rely on a leader to inspire and move multitudes, closer with “bottom-up” or grass roots movements where inspiration is kindred among equals. We have to all become a leader and work side-by-side.

A new “Research and Development” (R&D) department for the planet and humanity is needed, one with a radical new approach. The first paradigm shift: re-balance the excess intellect and bring forward the heart, the intuition, through inner “research”, through personal and collective meditation and connecting with our inner Self, the divinity in everyone and everywhere. Second: make it public, inclusive and as transparent as possible. Start with local groups and let it bubble-up to the current world leaders, at the same time let it trickle down from those leaders in a continuous flow. Third: align the urgent short term needs with vital long term ones, with practical solutions in order to flourish as human race in this planet, in this life time and others to come.

With great respect and love,

Gibran Armijo

* Article submitted to Kosmos Journal, fractal image courtesy of Roger Johnston